Wednesday, November 17, 2010

2 Months Old!

Jacob is 2 months old today!!

He was showing off for his birthday and just finished a whole 32 ml bottle! His nurse thought he would only be able to do 5-10 mls since this was his first time (not really counting the one a few wks ago when he was too young and not ready). So Jacob surprised us all and polished off the whole bottle. He looked like such a big boy and we are so proud of him!

He will try again with the bottle tomorrow and gradually build up frequency and hopefully get rid of the tube by next week.

He is still doing well on his oxygen flow and hasn't had any spells since Sunday night.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. What great news! Thank you for the updates. We are all thinking of you here in Penang. I showed the blog to our amah (nanny) here and she asks every time she comes about "my cousin's little baby". Praying for you guys and a Jacob at home Christmas! :)
