Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Prayers Needed

I'm afraid Jacob is on the verge of another setback.

Last night he had several "spells" where his heart rate dropped and the nurses had to intervene to get it going - by stimulating him with back rubs or moving him around. These spells are common for micropreemies, but he didn't have any for the first few days off the ventilator, then had a couple over the weekend, and last night he had a lot.

Today they increased his oxygen flow back to 6.0 liters per minute from 5.0. This afternoon he had two more spells, one involving bagging (more oxygen, continuous pressure). The doctor doesn't think he has an infection since he is otherwise fine and looks good, but we are still fearing upcoming bad news since the "spells" have preceded all his other setbacks like the PDA valve re-opening and his pneumonia. I pray he does not have to go back on the ventilator, but fear the next time I walk in that's what I'll see.

The doctors have described him as being very fluid sensitive. This is due to his immature lungs and chronic lung disease. It is a tricky balance of trying to increase his feedings so he can grow vs trying to control the fluids which find their way into the lungs and make breathing harder. He has been on diuretics to get rid of fluids and the dosage has been increased for 2 days in a row.

So please pray with us for Jacob's lungs to develop, for him to stop these scary spells and stay off the ventilator and away from setbacks.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Praying this prayer for Jacob tonight...

    "Lord, Because you have instructed us in Your Word, that we are to pray for one another so that we may be healed, I pray for healing and wholeness for Jacob. I pray that sickness will have no place or power in his life. I pray for protection against any disease coming into his body. Your Word says, "He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." (Psalm 107:20). Wherever there is illness in his body, I pray that You, Lord, would touch him with your healing power and restore him to total health. Specifically, I ask You to allow Jacob to stop having his spells, and restore his lungs. Give the doctors wisdom and full knowledge of the best way to proceed. Thank You, Lord that you suffered and died for us so that we might be healed. I lay claim to that heritage of healing which you have promised in Your Word, and provided for those who believe." (from The Power of a Praying Parent)

    Hang in there - I can't imagine what you are going through, but know that you are being lifted up in prayer. Please let us know if y'all need anything!

  2. Thanks so much Becki and Darren. So thankful uplifting us with your prayers and support
